Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Recently, mummy and daddy has enrolled me in Kindermusik class. Actually mummy has registered for quite some time but its very hard to get in so we were on the waiting list for quite awhile. Since mummy has started working, we have no choice but to go for the weekend class.

I really enjoyed the last few lessons that I had. I learned a lot about instruments, long and short sounds, songs from around the world and even textures when we used the scarves or parachute. I also got to make more friends. What I enjoyed most is that I get to bond more with mummy while we sing and dance. Thank you mummy and daddy for giving me this wonderful opportunity!

Here's me at my class..

New Float

I have just recovered from my cough and running nose.
Now finally daddy can bring me for a swim.
I was greatly surprised when daddy and mummy showed me that I have a new float.
I was soooooooooooooo happy because its a Thomas float!
Here's me with my new float..hehehe..